Surgical services
Soft tissue surgery includes all surgeries that are performed on tissues other than bones and joints. It includes surgeries of all organs and skin.
In addition to the so-called routine surgeries (sterilization, castration), we are able to provide any other type of operation such as :

- Cesarean section
- Pyometer
- Stomach dilatation/torsion syndrome
- Gastrotomy: opening of the stomach
- Enterotomy, enterectomy: opening of a digestive loop or removal of a portion of intestine (removal of foreign bodies or tumors)
- Exploratory laparotomy with diagnostic biopsies (liver, pancreas, lymph nodes or others)
- Splenectomy: removal of the spleen
- Nephrectomy: removal of a kidney
- Cystotomy: opening of the bladder (removal of urinary stones or other)
- Cholecystectomy: opening of the gallbladder (removal of gallstones or other)
- Urethrostomy: connection of the urethra to the skin (management of recurrent SUFs)
- Salivary gland surgery
- Reconstructive surgery (following disfiguring wounds or other)
- Ophthalmic surgeries: eyelid surgery, enucleation
- Hernias: umbilical, inguinal, perineal, diaphragmatic
- Inguinal or abdominal cryptorchidism
- Removal of various tumors, removal of breast chain, etc…
The practice is also equipped with a high-performance technical platform capable of performing laparoscopic surgery. This technique consists of making sub-centimeter incisions in order to pass long and thin instruments coupled with a video imaging system. The surgeon can thus follow the progress of his operation thanks to the magnified video image.
This surgical technique has multiple advantages: it reduces post-operative pain thanks to the small size of the skin and muscle openings and also reduces the risk of post-operative complications. Your pet will also recover more quickly from surgery compared to a conventional surgical technique.

Orthopedics is the surgical specialty of bones and joints. Many orthopedic surgeries can be performed in the office, such as repairing fractures, cruciate ligament rupture, patella dislocation, etc…
Before any surgery, a consultation and a complete orthopedic assessment will be performed. We can then discuss and decide together on the best care for your dog or cat.

Good oral hygiene undoubtedly contributes to the well-being of your dog or cat.
Periodontal disease is the most common oral disease in dogs and cats. The main symptoms are bad breath, redness/pain in the gums and tartar build-up. This disease is often underestimated and poorly treated, which can lead to tooth loosening and loss, abscesses, and sometimes infections that can spread to other organs of the body.
The treatment consists in eliminating the cause of the disease, and particularly the tartar which is a real nest of bacteria. Scaling and polishing are performed under anesthesia, and restore good oral hygiene without pain. In cases where periodontal disease is advanced, dental extractions may be necessary and will provide relief to your pet.